Elevating methane awareness to ground climate action

Services provided to Pentagram

  • Data Visualization Identity
  • Data Storytelling
  • Website Design
  • Social Media Kit
  • Deck Template
  • Messaging
  • Visual Identity
The Was

In a world fixated on carbon dioxide, methane's devastating impact flew under the radar. With 80 times the warming power of CO2 in the short term, the odorless and invisible gas silently fuels our climate crisis. Enter MethaneSAT, a groundbreaking satellite introduced by the Environmental Defense Fund poised to revolutionize how we track and combat this potent greenhouse gas.

But how do you communicate the urgency of a threat most can't see or understand? Traditional climate change messaging fell short, failing to ignite action on methane's outsized impact. The challenge wasn't just scientific; it was one of perception and engagement.

The How

Pentagram crafted a visual identity as bold as the mission itself. Stark black and white with bold type. Working with Giorgia Lupi's team, we took this vision and infused it into the data visualization story of MethaneSAT: imagery collides with fiery data visualizations, bringing methane's hidden menace to life. The long-scroll website becomes journey from problem to solution, translating complex science into compelling, actionable narratives.

Breaking through the noise required a multifaceted approach:

  1. Data as storyteller: after an audit of all the science available on methane, as well as a review, we carefully selected the right data and messaging for the story. Animated infographics transform abstract emissions data into visceral, easy-to-grasp visuals.
  2. Urgency in design: utilizing the new assertive brand typeface and high-contrast palette underscore the critical nature of MethaneSAT's mission. Layering photography with the actual data visualization allowed us to connect abstract numbers to tangible consequences.
  3. From space to screen: We created a seamless journey from satellite technology to user engagement, ensuring the website serves as both educational tool and call to action.
The Impact:

The MethaneSAT team now have a powerful visual arsenal to drive regulatory and corporation change. Industry leaders can no longer hide behind methane's invisibility. And the public is armed with knowledge, transforming from passive observers to advocates for our planet's future.

As MethaneSAT was preparing for launch, its digital presence stands ready to amplify its earthbound impact. MethaneSAT story isn't just a brand; it's a reimagining of how we visualize, understand, and combat one of climate change's most elusive foes.

Collage of different charts in the style of Moody's.
Mockup of a mobile screen showing a stacked area chart in the style of Moody's.
Example of divergent chart in the style of Moody's.
Example of hexagonal map in Moody's brand style.Focus on an annotation on a line chart in Moody's brand style.
Map from
Example of Circle Area chart in the style of Moody's
Mockup of the Moody's Data Visualization Guidelines as a laid down presentation.

“For the first time, policy markers and the public can really understand important the magnitude of emissions but also where the emissions are coming from. The countries and companies responsible, and hold them accountable."

Mark Brownstein

SVP, Energy transition Environmental Defense Fund

Todd Lindeman, pointing a screen displaying data visualization.
Example of a stacked horizontal bar chart using small multiples in Moody's style.
Extract of the Color Accessibility page in Moody's Data Visualization Guidelines.
Mockup of a editorial data visualization in Moody's style using gradient displayed in open book.

Thank you

Thank you to the Pentagram team for getting us involved in this project and to the MethaneSAT team for their enthusiasm, insightful feedback, and unwavering commitment to addressing climate change.

  • Gabrielle Merite - Creative Direction, Data Visualization, Deck and Website Design
  • Paul Lenaers - Creative Direction,, Brand Identity and Logo Design
  • Ed Ryan - Creative Direction for Data Visualization, Social Media Design
  • Madeleine Garner - Project management
  • Phillip Cox - Strategy
  • Michelle Brown - Project management
  • Giorgia Lupi - Pentagram Partner
  • Abbot Miller - Pentagram Partner