Collage of different charts in the style of Moody's.
Mockup of a mobile screen showing a stacked area chart in the style of Moody's.
Example of divergent chart in the style of Moody's.
Example of hexagonal map in Moody's brand style.Focus on an annotation on a line chart in Moody's brand style.
Map from
Example of Circle Area chart in the style of Moody's
Mockup of the Moody's Data Visualization Guidelines as a laid down presentation.
Todd Lindeman, pointing a screen displaying data visualization.
Example of a stacked horizontal bar chart using small multiples in Moody's style.
Extract of the Color Accessibility page in Moody's Data Visualization Guidelines.
Mockup of a editorial data visualization in Moody's style using gradient displayed in open book.

Thank you


Jake, Project Management at Infogr8

Liz Hartley, Strategy

Gabrielle Merite, Creative Direction, Website Design and Data VIsualization

TBD, Animator

David , Web Developer

X, Web Devloper